Trust me, wooden cutting boards are sanitary more than they appear. We always have hygiene issue while using a wooden cutting board and it always seems that the plastic ones have more to offer with respect to sanitation. But, it is totally the opposite of what we think.
Plastic boards always tend to have deeper cuts due to knives than the wooden cutting boards. The food that gets stuck inside the cracks once is very hard to remove. But on the other hand, the wooden cutting boards do not get rough easily. They are very sturdy. And the best part is you have hundreds of solutions to rejuvenate your wooden cutting board, but if your plastic cutting board is roughed once, you end up disposing it off.
Further extending the hygiene part, the market these days offer a great variety in woodenware. We have acacia wood, maple wood, walnut wood bamboo and what not. All these woods have an in-built anti-bacterial qualities which makes them fight against bacteria way better than a chemical made plastic board. Specially the acacia wooden cutting boards; they not only look beautiful but are very sturdy and knife friendly. Acacia wood usage has a great demand when it comes to kitchenware.
The best quality of wooden cutting board is that it keeps your knife edgy and perfect for multiple cuts as compared to the plastic cutting board. They have very less scars and that too can be fixed using mineral oil or soiling them well.
How many times have you heard – “Look is all that matters.” In context with cutting boards I don’t mind following this. We always prefer to match up the interior of our kitchen with the kitchenware. And people like me, who love the rustic, authentic and countryside theme in their kitchen would never think of any other board rather than the wooden one.
We can carve the wood in whatever way we want and make it look amazing and perfect for use. Wooden cutting boards come with so much variety these days that we probably never thought of. The natural texture of the wood makes it look glamorous and we do not need any coating over that. There are some really amazing companies that sell unique and premium quality woodenware. They design it so well that you cannot doubt their durability, looks or strength.
I guess we have a straight forward answer to our question asked in the very beginning of this blog. Wooden cutting boards are indeed the best cutting boards one can have. It’s not too far when my kitchenware will have a lot of wood stuff.
Happy woodenware to you!!!